Twin Falls High School is proud to announce that six of its students have advanced to National Merit Finalist status, marking the highest number of finalists the school has ever had in a single year. This prestigious recognition places these students among the most academically accomplished in the nation.
The 2025 National Merit Finalists from Twin Falls High School are:
Eve Andersen
Nolan Dickerson
Preston Dopp
William Hawkins
Dylan Sayers
Adam Wright
These students first earned National Merit Semifinalist status in the fall after scoring among the top 1% of PSAT/NMSQT test-takers nationwide. Advancing to finalist status is an exceptional achievement that requires a strong academic record, an outstanding SAT or ACT score, and a detailed application that includes leadership experience, community involvement, and a recommendation from the school. This puts these students among the top 15,000 students in the country.
Principal Nancy Jones expressed great pride in the students' accomplishments, stating, "This is a remarkable achievement for these six students and a historic moment for our school. Their hard work, dedication, and academic excellence set an incredible example for their peers. We are excited to see what the future holds for them."
The National Merit Scholarship Program is a highly competitive academic scholarship competition that recognizes students throughout the United States for their outstanding performance on the PSAT/NMSQT. Semi-finalists represent less than 1% of all high school seniors and are eligible to compete for scholarships totaling over $30 million. The selection process for approximately 6,870 Merit Scholarship winners from the pool of 15,000 finalists is currently underway, and winners will be notified in March.
For more information about the National Merit Scholarship Program, visit