
PTA Meeting 3/9/22


Attendees: Laurie Rice, Rachel Christiansen, Stefanie Swindler, Kim Ruiz, Jen Shipp


Book Fair –

Monday 2-6

Tuesday – Breakfast Buddies 7:30-8:00, 3-6

Wednesday – 3-8

Thursday – 8 -12 – Will be packing up at noon.

Rachel will be providing a Flyer to go home with information.


Carnival – May 6th

***Each grade level needs to host an activity/game.

Silent Auction – Each grade level or classroom is being asked to put together a basket for the silent auction. Donations from parents and community members/businesses are suggested. There are papers with our PTA’s tax exemption information as well as papers asking for donations. There is also a document that lists all the places that have donated in the past. Jen Shipp has them.


The High School has been asked for volunteers from the Clubs and it sounds as though we will have help.


Vendors on board: Mickey’s Kettle Corn, Churrolicious, Kona Ice. 

Coke, Lamb Weston, and Falls Brand for hot dogs are being reached out to as well.

Rachel is looking into a donation for water bottles.

Mr. Gaston is looking into the mini train.

Filer FD has been contacted about the dunk tank.

Bounce with Me has been contacted.

Music Magic Events has been contacted.

Contact will be made with Ward for the ice cream truck and Smiles for Kids will be contacted to see if they would be willing to help sponsor anything.


April Fundraisers –

We will be hosting two fundraisers in April. The first will be selling items from the Fun Run. These items will be priced from .50 to $5 and on sale Monday mornings during Leadership time. More information will be provided and notes will go home.


The second fundraiser will be “PEEPS for Your PEEPS”. Students, parents, etc. will be able to purchase Peeps to send to their friends or students. More information will be provided as we get closer. 


Side Note:

The Student Lighthouse Team will be planning to host a fundraiser to raise additional funds for the outside water fountain. We are hoping this will be an event at a local restaurant (Chick Fil A is who we are going to contact).


Next Meeting – 4/13/22